VCE Supporter

Become a VCE Supporter

Donations help this site grow and creating more awesome features for you.
A one-time donation will grant you one of three VCE Supporter status forever!

- Don't forget to login with Twitch and add your Twitch name into the textarea below -

Goodies for Supporter

VΛ Chat Badges

Depending on the tier you will receive a chat badge to show your Support.
The badge will be shown globally on Twitch and has the color of your tier.

Moderator Badges

As a Silver Supporter or higher you can get your own badge for your channel moderators.
Therefore, upload a white emote and name it like your Twitch name, including "_mod" at the end.

Own Chat Badges

As a Gold Supporter you can get your very own badge for you which will be shown globally.
Therefore, upload a custom emote and name it like your Twitch name, including "_custom" at the end.

VCE Points

For recommending the extension or for supporting it directly on Twitch you can receive VCE Points.
VCE Points can be used for getting free supporter memberships for friends, special badges and special settings.

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Site created by @ValkyOW